

Blessed are you, Lord our God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, source of life and of every gift.
We praise you for the abundant riches of grace you have bestowed upon the Church and the Pauline Family through the life of Fr. James Alberione.
You, Father, have guided with your wise hand these 100 years of history of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master and, with the effusion of the Holy Spirit, you have made them witnesses of your Son Jesus.
Raise up today other disciples and apostles following the example of Venerable Mother Scholastica Rivata.
Participants in the royal priesthood of your people, make of them a living liturgy that, having quenched their thirst at the inexhaustible font of your Word and of the Eucharist, they may be a prophecy of your Presence which saves and transforms the world.
Glory to you, Holy Trinity, who stirs up in us the desire to contemplate your Face. Bring to completion the work you have begun, as we journey as pilgrims in this history.
Guided by Mary, Queen of the Apostles, by Saint Paul and by all the saints, we will reach your Dwelling place where we will sing forever of your love.
Through Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.